Hujan terbentuk apabila titik air yang terpisah jatuh ke bumi dari awan.
Hujan mendatangkan banyak hal yang baik, sehingga ada banyak lagu anak-anak yang bertemakan hujan.
" Hujan, hujan tak henti-henti, Hujan-hujan sepanjang hari!" (Tasya)
" Rain, rain, go away, all the children want to play, rain rain go away"
Meskipun lagu orang dewasa kebanyakan mengasosiasikan hujan dengan kesedihan ...
" waktu hujan sore-sore....."
Pada saat hujan tak turun, air bisa ditemukan dimana-mana. Air bisa menjadi ajang kegembiraan tersendiri, kegiatan bersifat olahraga air atau permainan pada saat yang bersamaan.
Asalkan sebagai orang tua, anda merelakan penghabisan sabun antiseptik dan rekening air melonjak plus budget untuk obat cacing setiap 6 bulan sekali, untuk setiap anak anda.
Paling tidak, untuk satu hal, orang dewasa seperti kita sibuk dengan hal-hal yang terlalu serius dan jlimet. Terlalu sering melupakan kegiatan sederhana yang bisa dilakukan dengan sedikit pengorbanan.
Mari kita temukan lagi, keserhanaan suatu keriaan. hanya dengan aliran air dan selang. Tawa yang menggelegak, baju yang basah , badan yang relaks tanpa pijat, kebersamaan dalam persaudaraan atua pertemanan. Kemudian? berakhir dengan mandi air hangat dan sabun antiseptik. Hm, plus minum susu hangat dan menyantap makanan dengan lahap, tak perlu booster vitamin penggugah nafsu makan!
Tidak ada dendam, tak ada rasa sakit lho!
Siram, semprot, serang....!!!
Huaahhhh..dingin, asyik, seeeeenenngggg!!!
Ibu, ibu foto lagi !!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
What if I am NOT real?
Spectators are made believe that Superman is real. Hero does exists, name it : James Bond, Indiana Jones, Xena, Kung Fu Panda. A Superwoman will fight against the evils and somehow truth prevails.
Down the street, though they never said, some bosses dream of having miracoulus superemployees. Like in my small world, they have been carried away in their fantasy of me doing all the impossible and just like a harmster running around in an endless wheel thinking that the faster I run, the closer I get.
I start to get office sick, cubicle sick. When I have the mounted paperwork, long list of people to contact, confirm, persuade, this creature seems to fail to connect to the madness of monday. Worklplace is no longer an oase for me, unfortunately. As the sand dunes are getting higher, the heat has aspired my motivation.
When a day like today somebody say , " We can't do it". Then, I just have to give my self up, which used to be something I could never forgive myself. No matter what. I swore I did not want to end up like them: vegetables who just breath but do not move things.
Then I tell my self later this day, even God forgives his creatures and his creation has to come to an end. Then I have to learn to see that I am not real, I kill my imagination that I (wish) ..I could be at my best. I excell. I perform to the test of time. The more I think about becoming one, the more fragile I have become.
But hey, it' all right to make mistakes. It is okay to be dissappointed. It is O-K-A-Y to fail. How do I spell failure ??? L-E-T-T-I-N-G G-O. then now, it's time for me to learn how to spell success: S-A-L -V-A-T-I-O-N.
Then , I just have to put off my superhero costume, lay down my superhero flag, and try to forgive myself for giving up the battle. I am no longer a superhero.
Down the street, though they never said, some bosses dream of having miracoulus superemployees. Like in my small world, they have been carried away in their fantasy of me doing all the impossible and just like a harmster running around in an endless wheel thinking that the faster I run, the closer I get.
I start to get office sick, cubicle sick. When I have the mounted paperwork, long list of people to contact, confirm, persuade, this creature seems to fail to connect to the madness of monday. Worklplace is no longer an oase for me, unfortunately. As the sand dunes are getting higher, the heat has aspired my motivation.
When a day like today somebody say , " We can't do it". Then, I just have to give my self up, which used to be something I could never forgive myself. No matter what. I swore I did not want to end up like them: vegetables who just breath but do not move things.
Then I tell my self later this day, even God forgives his creatures and his creation has to come to an end. Then I have to learn to see that I am not real, I kill my imagination that I (wish) ..I could be at my best. I excell. I perform to the test of time. The more I think about becoming one, the more fragile I have become.
But hey, it' all right to make mistakes. It is okay to be dissappointed. It is O-K-A-Y to fail. How do I spell failure ??? L-E-T-T-I-N-G G-O. then now, it's time for me to learn how to spell success: S-A-L -V-A-T-I-O-N.
Then , I just have to put off my superhero costume, lay down my superhero flag, and try to forgive myself for giving up the battle. I am no longer a superhero.
Welcome to the world!
Welcome to the world ,
Ryuta Maximilian Putra Flasar
November 11, at 22.59 Tokyo Local Time
in Chiba nishi sougou byouin
with 27.60 kg and 49 cm
u are as gorgeous as Keanu Reeves
as cute as angels
Congratulation to Ayana,
Niken and Michio!!
Ryuta Maximilian Putra Flasar
November 11, at 22.59 Tokyo Local Time
in Chiba nishi sougou byouin
with 27.60 kg and 49 cm
u are as gorgeous as Keanu Reeves
as cute as angels
Congratulation to Ayana,
Niken and Michio!!
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