Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It's a journey-indeed

I have to start a research called " Happiness".
Haha. Is it a joke? Nope.

My boss assigned me for a client -- a bank --  with a number of debt collectors whose responsibilities are to intimidate, threat and scare people in such a way that they will pay their debt. And now they suffer and need a training that would teach them how to be happy. Yeah, right. How ironic. "Ok, guys after those intimidation, let' learn how to be happy coz you must have been working soooo hard making people feel miserable".

My first question to this project is : why on earth people choose such jobs ? I mean, ok, you make money out of it , call it a commission or benefits or anything else. But can't you find another job? You said you wanna be happy why making people unhappy?

Wait a minute, I have to be realistic here.
NOT everybody is lucky enough to do what they love. It's only job they are looking for with some consequences : take home pay, social status, or if they are lucky position, power.

Where do I begin?
A definition of happiness?
Now I am chuckled.

And now how am I gonna make materials I do not know where to start ?

My personal experience? LOL.
If I had the ways to happiness, I should have been making lots of money from people who have been in the pursue.

Am I there? ROTFL.
how pathetic. Most of the time  I am in a very good target of people's accusation, blame, condemn, I am taking the credit that I am happy enough not to care.

Should I say that being happy is not a goal nor destination.
Because we will not be until we just endure whatever comes in our way.
We thought we would be happy when we reached B, but we will NOT.

Whatever the destination is an oase. the big house, fancy car, handsome or rich spouse, will not be. winning over a heritage will not, be.

Well, all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head

(One Republic) 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

hate me for a reason, son

Tanggal 13 Juni. Pulang mengajar, rasa lelah plus penat. Sampai di rumah krucils masih keliaran, instead of belajar. Besok jadwal UAS untuk 2 pelajaran yang mengandalkan hafalan : IPS dan PLBJ.

Si sulung mulai belajuar pukul 8, dan selesai pukul 9. Si bungsu sudah mengantuk pukul 9 dan tertidur di sofa ruang tamu. Si tengah asyik menggambar --rrrggghhh.

Pukul 9.30. Mandi pun belum. Si tengah belum belajar. Datanglah si keponakan menyalakan televisi. Blah. Tell me about empathy right here right now.

WHat did I do? Tancap gas mengajari si tengah di ruang televisi. sekalian challenge si tengah untuk berkonsentrasi saat orang ramai-ramai menyuruhnya bersenang-senang. Salah siapa seharian gak belajar? Siapa ? Siapa?

he went to bed at 10.30.

I think I sucesfully made him hate me.

“Discipline is a symbol of caring to a child.He needs guidance.If there is love, there is no such thing as being too tough with a child. A parent must also not be afraid to hang himself. If you have never been hated by your child, you have never been a parent.”
Bette Davis