Friday, January 18, 2008

I wish

After new resolutions for 2008, I realized those resolutions are made for only at the end of the year. While it might be too soon for listing down revised resolutions, things seem to start firing back at me at the very beginning of January.

I just wish :
1. I did not have to rely on the helpers to take care of the kids
2. I could be with my mom on her 69th birthday
3. there was a darn decent qualified kindergarten with reasonable tuition in my neighborhood
4. I did not have guilty feeling for leaving the kids (again) for several days
5. I had a better way to explain what really happened and what I had been thinking to my in laws, not to prove that i am better than what they thought
6. I had more time for my self
7. I could concentrate better in every single effort to save my prayers
8. there was less worries and concerns concerning my work, regardless unworthy rewards
9. I could say more "no"s and try less to pretend what I am not
10. There was a better and cheaper internet connection in the office
11. I could write more and more....

Looks like there is a longer list I did not have the guts to upload here

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