Monday, March 16, 2009

Between me and the bosses

Office politicking is sometimes unavoidable. It's just like quick sand : the more you resist, the more you would be sucked down. Even if you try to come out clean, you would end up as dirty as them.

In my present situation, work has been full of intrigues. I have been wronged, misjudged, underestimated. On the contrary, I kept being assigned for things they say they would never find anyone to do-- not because they confide in me, but because I have been so well notorious for next-to-impossible tasks for one single stupid reason : I love challenge.

I plead guilty for expecting too much for the company I work in. The worst decision I made is : I stayed, hoping that someday things would turn out to be better. I used to tell a friend that if I were in the system, somehow I would either toxic or contribute to the whole process. Even if they say to me many times to cool myself down (seems that my energy has freaked them out) and just focus on my personal business : my family --which I find irrelevant to my professional situations, I chose to fight. I was born to be a fighter.

And to make my life complete , my direct megalomaniac superior labeled me " trouble maker" . Why? It's simply because this person has been trying to limit my access to information, but I eventually found myself to escape and strike back. Words do not scare me. I ve done my homework on how to find the right people for the right information.

Am I bothered by the public opinion my direct superior tried to shaped? Ha-ha. The thing is I am an old player. Though some people hated me so much for what I do : cutting of the crap red tapes, they had to admit I made their lives easier by doing so.

And what kind of employee would you become when you had to fight against your direct boss, but the top policy makers had strong faith in you? It's humane that my boss will be constantly jealous and isnt it humane too for me to enjoy the sensation of being envied? Ha-ha. I just can not wait for Monday. Really.

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