I cry, you buy

I believe you are all familiar with this "warning" as you bump into this sign in many department stores in Jakarta. Luckily, they don't say such thing in Akachan Honpo, a specialized store for kids, babies, and mothers. If they did: matilah awak!!!
Sunday, August 28, we went to Akachan Honpo to get a sling for Akira because I can't use the jarik for 5-kg baby anymore. My shoulders hurt and I can't move my hands freely while shopping.
Wisnu, as usual, was sooo excited. He touched every item he had never seen before. When we were in the raincoat's corner, Wisnu disappeared. I called out his name and voila... he carried two elmo cups and proudly said " ibu, minum" (mom, drink). Oh darling, you might break those glasses and we'll have to pay. Let's put them back.
Wisnu kept doing the same things for several times and I said the same thing over and over again until I started to raise my voice and .... "cling" the cup was slipping out of his hands. I was soo speechless and Wisnu was surprised. He stood there and looked tensed waiting for my reaction.
I heard the footsteps of the shopkeeper approaching us and I was trying to put all the pieces and find the tag price. At the same time I was praying that the cup would not cost a lot for me to pay. I was busy with my thought and trying to find what to say. The shopkeeper kneeled down and panickedly I said, "Gomenasai. I'm very very sorry. Where is the tag price, let me pay that". She friendly smiled to me and said something in Japanase but the tone was very comforting. I despertely said , "I'm sorry, I don't speak Japanese". She said the Japanese words again, but this time she pointed at the broken pieces and my son's feet. I guessed she was worried whether my son got injured because she checked my son's feet. I said again" Let me pay the cup first". She said"no,no, ok,ok". In my disbelief I asked again, " Are you sure?", she said "ok,ok".
She picked the broken pieces and took them away. I waited there. Unbelievable. I did not have to pay?? Really?
My husband approached us and asked what had happened. He was about to find out how much the cup costs to pay for that. When I told him that the lady said it was ok, he was frowning. I said, " I know, I can't believe that either, but that was what she said. She's more worried about wisnu than the broken cup".
That's it, Wisnu broke the cup, no body cried, I did not have to pay for the damage.
picture :www.holograms.bc.ca