Thursday, August 26, 2010

Into the light

When I was younger, my dad often said that the philosophy books are not sold on the street. And he also said, that if you did find one, it doesn't teach you any philosophy at all. I was like 7 or 8 years at that time and did not understand what he was trying to say. I did not even bother to ask, as I was always amazed about things he said, stories he told, even though I did not understand what went between the lines.

Lately I found a book that said if you found the Budha on the street, then he is not the Buddha at all. A wise man says that the state of enlightenment, stillness and total liberation cannot be described because it can only be understood and realized. When some body claimed she/he was enlightened, it is most possibly that she/he is not at all. Worst case is that when somebody say that other people are lost souls. What makes them think they know about all of those?

Many would consider me as a lost soul. Some even claimed seeing my soul turning upside down most of the time. Maybe they are right. I wonder if any saw me not possessing one.

I do believe every single person brought to the world to live for a reason. For sure, it's God's reason. A damn good one, for sure. A very customized one. The thing is we have to find the reason on our own. Such process requires journey. If during the journey we dare to question God what we are dealing with, how these things happpen, there will be no easy answer.

Then I was also inspired by the Linkin Park
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter


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