Saturday, December 29, 2012

Life is too short to know you

We met in 2002. I was preparing for my wedding. I saw you as a natural loving mother, offering original smile. Nothing more. You asked genuine questions, showed real interest in every conversation you initiated. I did not make extra attempt to be comfortable in getting acquainted to you.

I never knew it was really that easy to talk about anything to you : UMR, temperature, fashion, kids, cooking, movies. Many times we only had quick lunch and trivia talk and laughed a lot. Many times you did not say anything but listened to me, and put me at ease.

What I have not mastered from you is your ability to laugh at bitter facts of life in order to make your heart lighter.

I know, when we did not meet, you never had doubt our the friendship. I am sorry for not taking enough time to listen to your worries and concerns. I am sorry for not being "there" when you needed a lending hand. I am sorry for not trying to  convince you that your wishes do come true.

So today you left, and I guess God has planned the best for you.

I came to see you though you could not see me. We all prayed for you, may your journey be peaceful as the atmosphere you have always created  when you were still around.

Rest, my friend, rest.

picture taken : here


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A never ending quest

This year of 2012 will soon come to an end. Like everybody else, there should be some resolutions I need to make. Yes, I need to do it, and I have to. If you ask why, of course for the sake of my own growth. I guess I lost some clear perspectives this year. Relationships and its terms (and conditions) need redefiniton. Voila. R-E-DEFINITION.

 1. Emak and me
 I used to think she's my biggest challenge in life. We argued A LOT. No, corrections : she COMPLAINED a lot. I thought whatever I do, I think and say was always something to prove to her that I am against her. I don't know why. Maybe she pushed me away when I needed her badly. Maybe I was disappointed that she did not show her affection the way I thought other mothers would do to her only daughter. I thought I had always time in the world to make it up to her.

 The bitter fact is those things are all wrong.

 She supports my decisions in her own way. She challenged me so that I can be sure that whatever I chose is really what I WANT. She made me work for it so hard that I have always got what I want. Those things she said to me are actually things that make me strong and confident to be what I have always been. She is my door of opportunity. She challenged me and prayed for me. She even wept her tears when she knew she could not change my decision but she believes that God listens that she just wants be to be OK.

 2. My brothers and me
I thought they consisted only logics. I took it for granted they did not want to talk about feelings. I was wrong. They are human beings with tears, worries, jealousy and of course attention. Nothing broke me worst than watching them fall. How can not I lend a hand when my own sibling was at the bottom point? I learned how to forgive. I never thought it could be that easy. It 's just like cloudy sky clears up as the wind blows. I dont know how to do it, and never learn how, but I can. Th best thing is that I feel so light and easy afterwards.

 3. Sandy and me
 I guess 10 years is only the beginning to show me that life is not going to be easier. I just realized he needs me to be weak sometimes, so that he can be strong. When he needs time to be alone and does his own thinking, I should patiently wait. It was never my ideas that he has objections on, but my tone. And it is not easy at all for me to work on the tone as I have been practicing this kind of tone to be heard most of the time. He listens when I use the right tone.

4. Friends and me
They are still my friends, even I am not in constant repair. They are OK if I dont come to them in despair. And I really appreciate this kind of friendship.

 5. me and me
right. I am still my best friend. I listened to myself more and used my head less.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The differences in me

  Sebenarnya sudah lama saya dengar-dengar kalau saya sedikit dianggap berbeda. Saya pikir itu hal biasa, atau lebih tepatnya saya merasa semua orang berbeda. Sepertinya saya tidak pernah mengharapkan orang lain menyamakan saya.

Salah siapa kalau saya dari kecil merasa nyaman dengan perbedaan diri saya? Saya adalah anak perempuan satu-satunya sementara kakak saya laki-laki semua. Semasa kecil saya lebih banyak bermain dengan teman laki-laki, sementara anak-anak lain sepantaran saya lebih suka berkerumun sesama jenis.

sambil kuliah saya harus mencari uang untuk biaya hidup ; jadi sementara teman-teman menikmati dunia masuk-keluar diskotik, saya berburu dengan waktu untuk mengejar uang dan menuntaskan kuliah. Sampai menggosipkan teman kos pun saya tak sempat. Teman-teman saya berwakuncar malam minggu, saya sibuk menerjemahkan artikel demi honor sepuluh ribu selembar.

Di masa kerja di suatu institusi sebagai guru kursus, saya sudah gocek-gocekan mengajar di perusahaan-perusahaan. Sementara teman-teman sesama guru berlomba berbanyak kelas dari intitusi tersebut, saya hanya mengajar dari pukul 3 sampai 9 malam. Kenapa? Pagi hari pukul 7 saya sudah "nangkring" di kantor orang untuk privat , pukul 10 sudah di perusahaan lainnya, dan pukul 12 bergegas kembali ke kos dan memasak untuk makan siang,  menyempatkan diri untuk tidur supaya segar mengajar jam 3 sampai 9.

Saat ditawari jadi penyelia, saya putar otak supaya orderan di luar tetap berjalan. Sementara teman sesama penyelia sibuk mengomentari para guru yang tingkah lakunya macam-macam, saya tak punya waktu untuk mendengarkan. Sementara teman-teman lain menabung gajinya supaya bisa beli ini-itu, saya gunakan uang untuk seminar ini-itu sampai-sampai saya dijuluki "seminar freak".

Saat orang bertempur berlomba mendapatkan jabatan, posisi yang sudah saya raih saya tinggalkan demi menjadi ibu dan istri yang mengikuti kemana pun suami pergi. Saya hamil lagi anak ketiga di negeri orang,  sementara orang mengatakan 2 anak saja cukup membuat rumah mereka seperti Tampo Mas. 

Sekarang, katakan saja pada saya kenapa saya harus menyamakan diri dengan orang lain?

Sekarang, apakah anda tahu saya tidak suka diikuti?

Saya bukannya tidak bisa marah. Tapi seringkali saya tidak mengeluarkan marah kareaa saya sedang mentoleransi keanehan orang lain. bahkan kebodohan orang lain.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

on the other side of the fence

Setelah jam makan siang, seorang teman menghampiri meja saya dan bercerita soal mimpi semalam. Dari cerita ringan akhirnya berlanjut dengan curcol (curhat colongan) mengenai saudara sedarah yang kelihatannya kurang berkenan dihatinya. Saya bisa membayangkan kemasygulan hatinya karena merasa tak dipahami, tak diperlakukan seperti harapannya. Teman saya ini berseloroh , " temen gue aja mau bela-belain bantuin gue, ini saudara sedarah sendiri, huh, boro-boro".

Saya teringat abang tertua saya. Harapan-harapan saya padanya sebagai kakak tertua dan betapa  menggantungnya di angan-angan saya harapan-harapan itu. Apa yang saya katakan padanya, apa yang saya ingin dengar darinya. Lalu apa yang terjadi dan apa yang akhirnya saya rasakan. Cara saya mensikapi setiap prilakunya yang tanpa bisa dicegah sangat bias --penuh dengan judgement pribadi.Lalu terbayang wajah istri abang tertua saya ini. Hal-hal yang harus dialaminya selama hidup bersama kakak saya yang dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangannya, pastinya saya sendiri belum tentu sanggup kalau harus di posisi sang kakak ipar. Apa saya berhak berkomentar "seharusnya begini, seharusnya jangan begitu?". Atau malah keblinger mengatakan " nah, semua ini adalah suratan takdir. Jadi jalani saja kehidupanmu yang sulit itu". #ngaco.

Dan kemudian abang tengah saya yang penuh dengan hitungan matematis untuk memutarkan uang. Bisakah saya menyalahkan dia berhitung demikian giat, sehingga akhirnya batas antara hemat, investasi, kikir, dan menyengsarakan diri sendiri plus orang lain yang hidup dengannya? Rumah, mobil, tanah, usaha ternyata tidak berbanding lurus dengan kesehatan, standar kelayakan hidup dan lainnya yang hanya Tuhanlah yang melihat.

Keduanya tetap kakak kandung saya. Mana bisa saya merubah karakter? Di sisi lain, apakah saya akan membiarkan saja mereka menafikan hal-hal yang sebenarnya bisa membuat kehidupan mereka lebih baik. Ah, lagi-lagi itu kan pendapat saya.

Saya semakin kencang berpegangan pada pagar hati saya. Apalagi semakin kesini semakin saya menyadari bahwa dalam hidup saya terlalu sering memaksakan pandangan saya kepada orang lain. Kalau sedang datang waras, saya bisa menarik diri dan menutup mata. Nah, most of the time, saya teriaki semua orang yang tak mau melihat. #Huft

Saya pikir saya tahu kehidupan orang lain dan bagaimana menjalaninya. Padahal, mana saya tahu semua yang harus mereka jalani adalah bagian dari proses belajar. Sedangkan Tuhan saja bersabar menantikan hasilnya, kenapa saya harus menentukan tujuan instruksional khususnya ? Apa saya pembuat kurikulum kehidupan? #toyorkepalasendiri

Angin Oktober mulai terasa dingin. Saya baru paham, saya harus meregangkan cengkraman saya pada pagar hati saya dan kembali menjalani kehidupan saya sendiri sebaik-baiknya.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



saya sanggupi menempuh kesulitan.
pertanyaan, gugatan, teror, hinaan, makian.
dari ibu saya, kakak saya, dengan segala dalil dan ayat-ayatNYA.
dan pernahkah anda tanya kenapa ?
orang seperti apa saya ini ?

saya sanggupi permintaan untuk tinggal bersama
demi keharusan menjalankan tradisi dan ritual
lalu bertambah urusan tetek bengek kerumahtanggaan
sementara penghuni yang lain menganggap bangunan ini hanya tempat untuk tidur dan transit 
dan pernahkah anda  bertanya apakah saya diperlakukan dengan baik?

saya support secara moral dan material, seringkali diluar kemampuan saya
mensubsidi biaya-biaya yang muncul bukan karena keluarga saya
menerima hinaan, tudingan, fitnah, dan entah apalagi namanya
dan pernahkah anda tahu bagaimana rasanya jadi saya?

silakan menilai, menghujat, menghina
semua ini memang selalu tentang saya
yang tidak punya toleransi, tidak empati,
tidak mengerti arti "bakti"
kurang bersyukur dengan semua yang diberikan

saya tidak pernah menjadi anak kandung selain orang tua saya
saya tidak bisa dijadikan seperti yang anda harapkan
tapi pernahkah anda lihat yang saya upayakan?
apakah anda benar-benar mengerti keadaan yang sebenarnya,
bukan seperti yang diberitakan atau anda simpulkan?


Saturday, July 14, 2012

That green-eyed hopeless being

I was totally wrong imagining the world .  It was nowhere in my dream this kind of life I would have to share.  
From the very beginning, I should have been more aware that the other would consider myself luckier and better or at least differently nice than the subject's. Be it a wedding preparation and budget, the plan to have a baby as soon as I got married, child care and rearing techniques.

 I thought an imitating conduct towards me reflects "togetherness" or "admiration"  instead of rivalry. I just realized whatever I did, any objects I purchased, places I went to would be a target to prove something which I do not have idea what it is until now.  

I never planned to compete, let alone win any popularity contest. I even did not care what people think about me or what kind of my behavior they would suffer from. But this person never got enough of it. 

This small being must have wanted something  unformidable,  unaccessable  but I kept my close relation out of it.  What do I do?  Involving my spouse directly in the drama between the two of us only cause more tension than I want or need.  To ask him to take sides as that would only make my spouse uncomfortable. Of course, there may be circumstances when there's no choice but for him to speak up and  THAT really put me on the top of the world.

A jealous may crave for something I HAVE that the person doesn't. The "it" that I have may be people's ear, the attention of  the crowd, or a new and growing family, anything. I just realized I didnt have to try so hard to make superior than the other. 

Often the person's actions or words  is trying to fuel the fire and pull me into a fight !!!
The one causing the trouble will probably always be a part of my life, though only ME  can determine how big of a part that is. I will damn show that I am the bigger person.

I might not be able to kill the person with fake kindness, so I keep my distance - limiting one-on-one time or avoiding any time with the person altogether. If I have exhausted every other possibility, it is the time to confront the person head on. Still, the person will not change, even pathetically forward a poor argument .

 I know I do not have to prove anything to anyone...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It's a journey-indeed

I have to start a research called " Happiness".
Haha. Is it a joke? Nope.

My boss assigned me for a client -- a bank --  with a number of debt collectors whose responsibilities are to intimidate, threat and scare people in such a way that they will pay their debt. And now they suffer and need a training that would teach them how to be happy. Yeah, right. How ironic. "Ok, guys after those intimidation, let' learn how to be happy coz you must have been working soooo hard making people feel miserable".

My first question to this project is : why on earth people choose such jobs ? I mean, ok, you make money out of it , call it a commission or benefits or anything else. But can't you find another job? You said you wanna be happy why making people unhappy?

Wait a minute, I have to be realistic here.
NOT everybody is lucky enough to do what they love. It's only job they are looking for with some consequences : take home pay, social status, or if they are lucky position, power.

Where do I begin?
A definition of happiness?
Now I am chuckled.

And now how am I gonna make materials I do not know where to start ?

My personal experience? LOL.
If I had the ways to happiness, I should have been making lots of money from people who have been in the pursue.

Am I there? ROTFL.
how pathetic. Most of the time  I am in a very good target of people's accusation, blame, condemn, I am taking the credit that I am happy enough not to care.

Should I say that being happy is not a goal nor destination.
Because we will not be until we just endure whatever comes in our way.
We thought we would be happy when we reached B, but we will NOT.

Whatever the destination is an oase. the big house, fancy car, handsome or rich spouse, will not be. winning over a heritage will not, be.

Well, all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head

(One Republic) 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

hate me for a reason, son

Tanggal 13 Juni. Pulang mengajar, rasa lelah plus penat. Sampai di rumah krucils masih keliaran, instead of belajar. Besok jadwal UAS untuk 2 pelajaran yang mengandalkan hafalan : IPS dan PLBJ.

Si sulung mulai belajuar pukul 8, dan selesai pukul 9. Si bungsu sudah mengantuk pukul 9 dan tertidur di sofa ruang tamu. Si tengah asyik menggambar --rrrggghhh.

Pukul 9.30. Mandi pun belum. Si tengah belum belajar. Datanglah si keponakan menyalakan televisi. Blah. Tell me about empathy right here right now.

WHat did I do? Tancap gas mengajari si tengah di ruang televisi. sekalian challenge si tengah untuk berkonsentrasi saat orang ramai-ramai menyuruhnya bersenang-senang. Salah siapa seharian gak belajar? Siapa ? Siapa?

he went to bed at 10.30.

I think I sucesfully made him hate me.

“Discipline is a symbol of caring to a child.He needs guidance.If there is love, there is no such thing as being too tough with a child. A parent must also not be afraid to hang himself. If you have never been hated by your child, you have never been a parent.”
Bette Davis

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

this feeling i've been trying to deny

Can't say beautiful things about you
At least until I realized that  you are gone, for good.

I'm sorry to make you cry, for many reasons.
Believe me, you made me happy more than you know

I'm sorry for not understanding you,
as I have been strugglin' to understand myself better

I'm sorry for not being as expected
just because I wanted you to see me being and believing in no one but my self

thank you for challenging me all your life
so I see the rough and dirt will not make me weak

thank you for praying for the best, and wish me well
so I can move on and continue the fight

thank you for being my mom
and choosing me to be your only daughter

picture taken from here

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tak harus seperti yang seharusnya

Sewaktu saya kecil, saya hampir tidak bisa menerima kenyataan bahwa saya dilahirkan sebagai bukan laki-laki. Bagi saya waktu itu, betapa enaknya menjadi anak laki-laki : bisa pergi bermain ke mana saja, memakai pakaian apa saja (celana sependek selangkangan, kaos tanpa lengan, bahkan bertelanjang dada), melakukan apa saja (memanjat pohon, menceburkan diri ke got, bermain tonjok-tonjokan) atau tidak melakukan apa-apa di rumah (bersantai-santai menonton televisi atau mengobrol) sementara anak perempuan ibu saya, yaitu saya, harus membantu di dapur, bertanggung jawab atas kebersihan dan kerapihan rumah.

Mungkin ada banyak perempuan di luar sana berupaya membuktikan diri bahwa dirinya bisa melakukan hal-hal yang pada umumnya dilakukan laki-laki -- saya tidak menyalahkan mereka, tokh saya melakukan itu sebelumnya. Saya memanjat pohon flamboyan setinggi 300m dan jambu air setinggi atap rumah untuk bersembunyi dari teriakan teman yang mengajak main boneka, mengendarai sepeda kakak saya yang kebesaran untuk saya saat berusia 8 tahun  dari tebet utara sampai cikoko (sekitar 1 km dari rumah) sambil berdiri di atas sepeda, lepas tangan, menyalip antara metromini  S 60, becak, motor dan sepeda teman-teman kakak saya yang 6-7 tahun lebih tua dari saya. Saya terus memakai celana pendek dan berambut yongenskop bersepeda sejauh saya mau, mengejar layangan putus, bermain kelereng, adu biji karet, dll.  Hingga suatu hari, seorang bapak melansir " eh, kamu anak perempuan ya? kok seperti anak lelaki?" .  Saya shock, dan berhari-hari duduk di ayunan di halaman rumah memikirkan apa yang ditanyakan bapak itu.

Atas nama wanita, saya paling tidak suka kalau harus melakukan sesuatu atau tidak boleh melakukan sesuatu karena satu alasan : karena saya wanita. Untuk saya, itu bukan alasan yang bisa diterima.

Saya tidak marah dilahirkan sebagai wanita, meski keberadaan saya sebagai anggota gender ini menjadikan saya di aniaya secara verbal oleh sosok dewasa bergender sama:
 " kamu harus belajar masak. laki-laki tidak mau menikahi perempuan yang tidak bisa memasak".
 " gula habis kok bisa tidak tahu? ada anak perempuan di rumah kok bisa gula habis tidak tahu"
 " sisir rambutmu, anak perempuan rambutnya harus rapih"

Saya nyaris berjanji pada diri sendiri, kalau nanti punya anak perempuan, saya berikan kebebasan sama seperti anak laki-laki. Eh, ternyata Tuhan tidak memperkenankan saya punya anak perempuan, atau lebih tepatnya saya lebih dipercaya untuk mendidik 3 anak laki-laki  dan tambahan suami saya (yang juga merupakan anak laki-laki mertua saya) dengan  memasukkan kompetensi perempuan dalam repertoire tanggung jawab mereka. Semua orang harus cuci piring. Semua harus membersihkan apa yang ditumpahkan. Semua harus bisa masak.

Meski saya bukan keturunan dari patih gajah Mada, saya mengeluarkan pernyataan aka ancaman terhadap 4 laki-laki di rumah saya , " perempuan tidak ditakdirkan untuk melakukan dan memikirkan SEMUA".

Setelah itu? Saya menggeram. Eh, tidak, menendang keranjang sampah (ini karena semata-mata saya suka bunyinya, terutama yang terbuat dari kaleng dan mengenai dinding, --you should try it sometime!)

Begini ya, saya tidak punya masalah dengan orang-orang yang mengagumi Kartini. Saya  juga bukan golongan feminis yang menyatakan perempuan lebih hebat atau lelaki tak bisa hidup tanpa perempuan (saya lebih setuju orang tidak bisa lahir ke dunia tanpa perempuan --even bayi tabung).

Barangkali anda penasaran seberapa perempuankah saya, silakan mengobservasi saya selama 2x24 jam di rumah  (well, satu sahabat saya benar-benar melakukannya baru-baru ini dan menyatakan dirinya lebih beruntung).

 Sebelum alarm berbunyi, dengan terhuyung-huyung saya bangun dari tempat tidur, dengan otomatis (meski belum membuka mata) melangkah dari kamar saya ke kamar anak-anak untuk mematikan AC, membuka jendela, dan menyapa dan menciumi 3 pangeran mungil saya untuk bangun. Kemudian, melangkah ke dapur mengecek apa yang dikerjakan pembantu: apakah sudah masak air panas, apakah takaran susu untuk anak-anak sudah tepat, apakah sarapan disiapkan sesuai arahan saya, apakah buah untuk jus dipotong dengan pisau buah (bukan pisau untuk mengupas bawang) dan tangan si mbak menggunakan sarung tangan plastik, apakah blender dipasang dengan tepat, apakah nasi sudah dimasak, apakah peralatan untuk maturan sudah dicuci dan lengkap, apakah seragam sekolah cukup licin diseterika, sepatu anak-anak cukup mengkilap semirannya. Kemudian saya mandi, dan mengawasi anak-anak mandi , berpakaian, sarapan dan memastikan meninggalkan rumah sebelum 6.25.

Itu baru perkara anak-anak. Suami? o-o, saya tidak akan membahasnya di sini. Setelah anak-anak berangkat, sebelum ke kantor, sambil berdandan (yang seringnya saya lanjutkan di perjalanan menuju kantor, tak perduli supir taksi mengintip keheranan dari rear window melihat saya memulas make up dan mengerol rambut) dan berpakaian, saya membriefing apa saja yang harus dilakukan pembantu : mengkonfirmasi menu yang sudah dibuat selama seminggu, mengecek jadwal les anak-anak, vitamin atau obat yang harus dimakan, apa yang mesti dibeli (gas, air minum, susu, telur, bahan prakarya anak-anak) atau siapa mesti ditelepon.  Semua itu dikerjakan secara simultan dan masih saya harus memastikan meninggalkan rumah tidak lebih dari pukul 7.10 agar suami saya tidak terlambat masuk kantor dan membawa serta dompet, hp, bekal makanan, tas isi apa untuk hari apa (selasa yoga, rabu -jumat aikido, kamis mengajar)

mau gila? itu baru pagi.

Tiba di kantor, seperti rekan lainnya saya bekerja sampai pukul 5. Tapi saya paling tidak sudi ditelepon pembantu soal rumah. Jam layanan rumah hanya pagi sebelum pukul 7 dan sesudah pukul 6 sore. Kenapa? I need some peace of mind. saat badan di kantor, saya ingin jiwa saya tetap di kantor.

Pulang kantor, tiba di rumah, saya makan dan mandi. Sambil makan, mengkomentari masakan, mengecek kebersihan meja makan dan area dapur. Sambil mandi, membereskan peralatan mandi anak-anak, kebersihan kamar mandi, sampai letak keset dan rak handuk. Barulah sesudah itu saya dapat energi untuk menemani anak-anak mengerjakan PR, membacakan cerita sebelum tidur, berdoa dan mematikan lampu. Saya tetap harus mengecek baju mana yang harus diseterika untuk dipakai anak-anak besok, apakah pembantu sudah makan, apakah kompor sudah dibersihkan, apakah baju sudah dilipat dan dimasukkan lemari, apakah jemuran tidak menumpuk dibelakang, apakah menu sarapan untuk besok perlu ditambah, apakah baju tertentu dicuci dengan deterjen yang tepat, apakah ada pemberitahuan dari sekolah anak-anak.

Does it make me less feminine?

Tapi, anda bisa bayangkan apa yang terjadi jika saya tidak punya pembantu, sementara standar yang saya tetapkan tetap tidak turun. Ya, saya baru bisa selesaikan pekerjaan upik abu pukul 1.30 malam, untuk bangun pukul 4.30 pagi, dan masih harus ke kantor tersenyum dan menyatakan dunia baik-baik saja.Dan tiba dirumah yang kocar-kacir, menyatakan semua akan baik-baik saja.

Saya tetap berambut pendek, mengenakan celana pendek (di rumah). Saya masih memanjat tangga untuk mengganti bohlam lampu yang mati, memotong rumput dengan pemotong listrik, mengecek kerusakan rumah, memanggil tukang, dan mengingat jatuh tempo tagihan-tagihan dan membayarnya.

Do I give rooms for others?

Saat saya diminta suami untuk belajar menyetir mobil (lagi), sekarang ini saya bisa menjawab, " boleh aja, biar saya bisa gantian nyetir. Tapi, kalau gitu kamu yang masak dan urus anak-anak ya?"

Terus, saya masih harus menjadi manusia yang pemaaf, berempati kepada orang yang tidak mau berempati kepada saya dan menyalahkan saya atas kekecewaannya. Terus saya tidak boleh punya berharap orang memahami saya.

Saya ini apa? Manusia?

Kalau teman saya punya priveledge saat ini dengan menamakan rasa capeknya dengan kata baby blues atau depresi, saya tidak punya label untuk ini. Tokh mereka lihat saya bisa tertawa, punya kerjaan, bisa jalan-jalan gratis karena dinas, bisa curhat, bisa menulis kegilaan-kegilaan saya. I dont have a name for this state of emotion.

Tapi saya memutuskan untuk tidak harus melakukan atau bersikap seperti yang seharusnya. Seharusnya menurut siapa? Kenapa?

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Half a life

They              :  " How are you?"
Me                 :   you think?

They : "This will pass".
Me    : yeah, right.

They :   " Count your blessing" .
Now I wanna hit their  head with rolled newspaper.

" The sky has got to be dark so you can see the stars".
Then I wished I could kick something bigger and louder than the trash can.

I could have amused them with the drama of my life.
But what more could their comments do for me?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's just why

Dear God,

Why do some people say I have to go somewhere or do something specific to meet you? Why should they believe that you are only reachable to some groups? Even a radio station can be broadcasted to a very distant listeners, why would a super power like you require a special transmission device or a special receiver? Isn't your existence for the whole universe?

Why would people hurt others, say sorry and do it again? I thought when I tried to forgive them, they would change. They don't till now. Should I forgive myself for not forgiving them?

What does it mean to love? I thought I love them, but why do I hate them for being as they are? Why should I want to be loved in a way that I wanted them to? Why can't I free myself to let them love me as they could? why can't I accept the fact that some people just don't have the loving feeling for me?

I have always wanted to give to the fullest. Forgive me sometimes I am not ready to give because I dont want to expect anything from you. Sometimes I feel the anger to those who are not ready to receive. Why do I feel angry when I thought I was willing to give?

why being human makes me vulnerable?
Why do I still remember the words people said and what they made me feel? why should I care?

it hurts when it hurts, God. When I can't accept it, I always say it. I am just hoping that you see from a human being perspectives. When I need your guidance, please just dont give clues I can't read. When I run to you, please lead me the easiest and fastest way I can get. Please be patient with me.

Thursday, February 02, 2012


Lately I just feel really sad without any particular reason at all. When I am alone at the computer, or in a cab, or few minutes before bed, something really hurts inside. I thought it had something to do with hormonal fluctuation. But it did not. My period is over, and I still feel it. It's something inside, maybe it's just a feeling. It is just a feeling that gets  more intense everyday.

It started with a visit from my eldest brother who had not talked to me at least for the last 12 years. Just one fine day, he came to see me. He apologized for the things he had said and done. WOW. I had forgiven him before, but this time seems to be really easy. Too easy to do compared to worst things happened earlier. WOW. Never thought forgiving somebody would be a great tranquilizer. He could be wrong or misunderstood, but he's still my brother.

Then we had a lunch together for the first time. Too many things are hidden under the carpet in too many years. When we opened up some issues, it just exploded. My elder brother could not take the complains. He exploded. All right.

Perhaps God has a tendency to put thing in a chaos and clarify the air. It was worth it. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

the bricks I have to jump over

When you start to think that life does you good, you will get a hard hit right on the head. I guess I have and will go on living with: tough choices. What else can I do?

I thought I was always better off born as a male creature. At least, I guess I have come to an understanding that actually being a female gives me a whole lot more privileges. I can always try to be strong but when I'm really cracked up, they'll take the fact that my emotions play a great deal than my logic. Or, i would present my assertions --even if they do not make sense to some people -- and defend it by certain degree of sixth sense involvement. Or, even worse, blame the hormonal issues as the trigger of rather emotionally-disturbed behaviors. Well, there are plenty others that I can elaborate into a thick book of non sense feminist aspiration.

It's still so funny for me how my reactions towards situations are not always in my list of expectations. I just found out that me, myself remain a mystery to me. Now that I wonder how some people claim they can "study" and "understand" people. I mean, I don't even always understand myself!

August last year was the biggest tornado. I never thought I would be tested for not only patience, endurance, but also determination at the same time. I mean, did not God consider I got an A pass for these before? I thought when I was ready to give everything up, did not God want this to happen? That's why lingered. That's why I sacrificed. That's why I surrendered.

All children fairy tales from where I learned about virtues and how to keep my dreams never mentioned that there would be a dual tendency in a character. In my real life, everybody comes in bad in certain period of time and turns angelic some other time. I hate to start believing that my perceptions towards defined "good" people are dubious.

No one agrees with you all the time. Even if they disagree with you does not necessarily show anything. Arguing your parents does not make you a bad child. I would still appreciate the fact that parents sometimes have more experience, but at the same time those experience might blur the visions of a child, instead of inspiring . Things may look similar and we tend to believe things would be so predictable. The fact is things happen to our kids are different from our experience.

Parents, to me,are the ones who will protect their children. And is it justified how bad parents could react toward a child only because he/she would not take a stand on his opinion concerning daily matters? Was not that c-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-on all about? Disagreement = ? Was it worth the fight? Have not we learned from previous history, even God will not let a child be sacrificed for the parents wish --even in search of God.

Brothers with whom we grew together under the same roof, eating the same kind of food, drinking the same kind of water could turn to be total strangers. If they decided to keep you away from their lives, love them still. When they come back to apologize, take them as you wish you never had any dispute. Because they will come back. Because right or wrong, they are your brothers.

Husband is somebody you met in the course of life because you believe you and him are better off than you yourself being alone. Marrying you does not change him to be you. He might try as hard as he can to understand you, but believe me he will still wonder and be surprised to find another side of you that you yourself does not like or want it to be revealed. He is still somebody's son, somebody's brother, somebodys subordinate, somebody's boss who will not in any position take all your advice. He is a free man who understands his responsibilities and wise enough to marry you and continue living together with you. So stop comparing yourself with him and go on living.

Conflict is inevitable. Dont complain too much, just try to deal with it. Have some courage to convince others that you have a good stand point. Even if you don't, speak your self up to see how far you can go with your arguments. If you are proven wrong, admit the defeat, and continue living with a dignity of a human being who can be wrong sometimes and make improvement in order to survive.

Problems, situations, people when they are getting difficult or making your life difficult are not hurdles for your life and should not be an excuse to give up.

" The bricks are there to let us prove how badly we want things, and to separate with those who dont".

Monday, January 23, 2012

me and those symbols

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  It's the way I'd like to remember you.

The moment I found somebody to trust,
when I did not think I would 
The reasons for me to feel what I do
and  never want to lose or regret

Words we have a few, but true...

I take you, to be my friend, my lover, the father of my children and my husband. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I promise to cherish and respect you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you, for all eternity.