Friday, November 25, 2005

Akira and Wisnu

Akira is five months now . I guess he was starting to convince us that he's ready to be a bigger brother...:)

Wisnu sometimes pretend to be a five-month-old baby like Akira-- lying down on the bed and kicking his feet in the air, spitting his milk. Perhaps he thought it was more fun to be a younger baby.

While aji is busy catching his deadline and ibu is doing the house chores, Wisnu and Akira could have their good times --playing and laughing together.

Kompak selalu ya , nak....


Anonymous said...

Akira udah tambah besar ya & tambah bule (anaknya siapa hayoo?!). Wisu juga tambah guanteng deh. Kangen deh pingin ketemu lagi. Kapan2 main ke Petit Mezon Rancel lagi boleh yaa..

Anonymous said...

Wah, tambah cakep aja keponakan2 wawa. Kalau tiga tambah seru kali ya...

Anonymous said...

Gosh, your children are soooo cute. I wish I could hold them and talk to them. Waktu ketemu Wisnu di conference dia lagi ngantuk sich yeeee...
Take care ya, Ken. I have a great time reading your blog. Ntar gue mau belajar bikin blog juga ah.