Saturday, November 19, 2005

Hot News

In fact, we wanted to keep it as a secret until we get back to Jakarta by March next year. You know, as a way of giving everybody a big surprise (or shock?) Anyway, on our second thought this thing should be on this blog headline.

Yes, ibu was still breasfeeding indeed but the absence of two consecutive months of period should be suspected. The thing is there was no signs of pregnancy at all-- such as nausea, extreme fatigue, frequent urination, tender breast, headache, constipation, feeling faint-- execept the missed period. There are many causes of the missed period-- starting from the mild to the terrifying diseases e.g. hormonal imbalance, stress, ectopic pregnancy, a failing pregnancy, trophoblastic disease, or germ cell tumors.

Nov 10, ibu went to shimin byoin to see the obsgyn. It was scary to see a doctor to find out the answer, though. Ibu just hoped whatever the result will be, things would turn out all right.

First, the doctor mentioned that it was quite normal for breasfeeding woman to miss their period, and the first menstruation two months after delivery most probably was not 'the real one'. After some discussion, dr Kanagawa suggested the HCG test (Human chorionic gonadotropin-- hormone made by the pregnancy that can be detected in the mother's blood or urine). Then what?

When ibu opened the doctor's door, without waiting for ibu to sit down ...
Doctor : yes.
ibu : what do you mean by " yes?"
Doctor : yes, you ARE pregnant. (burst into laughter)
ibu : Me ..what????? but how come that I did not feel anything?
doctor : every pregnancy is different.
but, let's see with the USG to make sure whether the baby is there.

Then, ibu proceeded to the other room. Sitting on that chair and saw on the computer screen something like this.

On the 9th weeks, we could see the 2.1 cm fetus with the head, body and legs.

The baby IS really there!


Anonymous said...

Omedetou! lagi ditunggu2 kabarnya, taunya langsung kasih surprise nih ya. Rejeki namanya ya. Mudah2an Kenny & jabang baby sehat2 selalu!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation! I haven't visited your blog these days, and saw this news just now, I'm very surprised! But, you wanna keep this as a secret? Then, I'll keep scret. I just wanna say "Congratulation!".This is because I'm writing this comment.ほんとにおめでとう!

Mariskova said...

Surprised? Me? Nope.
If you used 'anything' THEN I'd be surprised. Sounds familiar, eh? Like... it ever happened before ;b
PS: Find out the baby's gender right away because I've got the feeling it's gonna be a boy again. Don't worry. I've already ordered RAISING BOYS by Steve Biddulph, especially for you!

Anonymous said...

Wah surprise juga dengernya :) Itu anugrah Tuhan untuk keluarga Sanjaya. S'moga ibu dan calon adeknya sehat selalu. Nggak sabar nich tahun depan ngeliat ponakan makin banyak aja, pasti seru dech!