Here are the shimin byoin staffs to whom I owe my life. Ibu said I was born at this hospital. The picture was taken on the day we left the hospital, June 22, 2005. If you wonder where my elder brother, bli Wisnu ,was, well.. he was still at the day care center at that time. From campus, aji went to the hospital to pick us up , then we picked bli wisnu at the day care center. on the picture, you see a lady with blue uniform, that's Arata Murayama, my mom's best friend at the hospital. Well, the other staffs are all friendly, but Arata has good sense of humor to joke with.
Next to Arata is the midwife who helped the delivery--Otuka Aki. She was very patient and supportive. The on the far left, next to aji is the obstetrician and gynecologist-- Ando Noriko. The only female obsgyn at the hospital, I guess. In the middle, the head nurse. On the right, I guess the doctor who is specialized at the ultrasonography and all sophisticated equipment to check the fetus.

You know ibu , she is hungry all the time! Even in the midst of the contraction, she was starving. Luckily uncle Ke was there. He went out--running again-- to the combini store (convenient store) to buysome bread and water. Bli wisnu was with uncle Ke so that aji could go inside the labor room. This picture was taken right after I was up to see the world. After that, aji and bli wisnu spent the night at uncle Ke's apato because bli and aji were too tired to go home at 3 am in the morning.
Everyday uncle Ke visited Ibu at the hospital to bring her food (hey, how could he know that ibu was craving for food at the hospital despite the big portion of hospiital diet for breastfeeding mommies?). He was always ready with his electronic dictionary if mom needed any translation.
Uncle Ke also came to help aji carry the stuffs on the day we left the hospital. I think he is the first angel I met on earth. Have you seen one?

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