Thursday, January 04, 2007

Finger painting

We had a long holiday at the end of the year-- x'mas followed by Ied Adha and New Year. It's really a perfect time to have some fun with the kids.

This is the one-hour product of our three-and-half year son and Alexa. We glued some A4 papers together for them to paint on. They are free to use sponge, leaves or their parts of body to experiment with the colors. We also prepared some water in a bin for them to cleanse their hands before using diiferent colors.

Wisnu danced on the papers and made some trace with his feet and fingers. Being a rookie, he went on plunging his hands in the water to keep them clean. The way he understood the concept of cleandiness is never never let any stain on your hands: not even any painting!

This picture only last in the count of seconds as Wisnu rushed to wash his hands...but somehow he came up with an awesome product

Next time, we'll try some more smashing ideas from here or here or there. Wanna join us?


Niken said...

Gayanya Wisnu di foto pertama lucu bgt huehehehhe... Aya blm berani tak ajak main2 cat, soalnya, dia suka bersihin tangannya pake lidah kek kucing hiiiiiiiii

NiLA Obsidian said...

asyik amat wisnu....
ghani n aurel ikutaaannn dooonggg.......