Friday, December 16, 2005

I made it!!!

Sometime ago, when we were still in Gumyoji, Ibu bought me this toy at 100 yen shop as I began to pile up the books, stacked the kitchenware such as cups, plastic containers, bowls, etc.

Aji showed me once how to play with this, but then he left it to me to try on my own.

Maybe either because I am just a beginner or this toy is not really well-designed, it sometimes drives my nerve to make any construction.

I tried several times--almost succeded but it fell off so easy that I could cry.

But ibu was busy cheering me up and taking pictures, so I guess I'd better try again, again and again. As she sings for me , " Jangan cepat putus asa, jangan cepat putus asa (don't give up easily)" with her you-know-the-qulity voice.

Finally....I came up with something! You might think that it's so simple to make, but I spent almost 45 minutes to do so!!!

And now..I'm just too exhausted mentally and prefer to lie down next to my cute brother.
Perhaps in my dream I can figure out easier ways to build another construction.... Zzzzz

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